Jonas Gerard Fine Art

CONFLUENCE : A new show

Opening Reception following the 2nd Saturday Live Painting Performance on Saturday October 12th The Painting Performance starts at 2:00pm and the reception starts at 3:30pm.  The Flow technique will be demonstrated at the painting performance.  CONFLUENCE will be on display through November 11th. Confluence: noun, a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one […]

A Meditative Sunset: Merging #20

  Sunset in the meditation garden. The impending twilight has streaked the sky with burnt orange, spice, and golden rays of light flickering through hues of green and blue as if dripping down from the heavens to touch the earth. The caramel drizzled with fresh blue cleanse my soul and give my busy mind nourishment […]

Take A Studio Stroll This Weekend

RAD Studio Stroll As Asheville’s summertime River Arts District Studio Stroll approaches this weekend, many will take the opportunity to visit Artists’ studios on foot or by trolley.   One of the most illuminating and transformative places to visit during the Studio Stroll is Jonas Gerard Fine Art Studio and Gallery in the heart of […]